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LyoDry Freeze Dryers - Adapted to your requirements
UK Designed, Manufactured and Supported

LyoDry Freeze Dryers are designed, manufactured and supported by MechaTech Systems, drawing on our combined experience of over sixty years.
LyoDry Freeze Dryers are used and endorsed by universities, government research institutes, pharmaceutical manufacturers, food and beverage manufacturers and archaeological conservators, both in the UK and globally.

If you are unable to find a freeze dryer or freeze drying chamber from the LyoDry range which matches your specific requirements, we may be able to adapt an existing design to suit.

Perhaps you need extra freeze drying capacity, remote view, or a freeze drying chamber with a horizontal configuration.


It may be possible to adapt an existing freeze dryer from the LyoDry range to meet different processing, capacity or temperature requirements.


We have an in-house design team and many years of expertise in freeze dryer manufacture.


Contact us to for an initial, informal discussion about your freeze drying requirements.

LyoDry Midi freeze dryer with bespoke chamber

LyoDry Midi with custom designed freeze dryer Chamber 

Buying a new Freeze Dryer, or upgrading your existing one, and not sure of the options?

Watch YouTube presentation of LyoDry Freeze Dryers

Download Freeze Dryer requirements questionnaire (pdf)

Read our Blog Post 'Buying a Freeze Dryer - Points to Consider'

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